Vibration Therapy Workshop in English
23. August 2019 | 14:00 - 25. August 2019 | 14:00
Vibration Therapy Workshop 2019 – Part I and II
In this two-part workshop, you will learn the basics of the simple, efficient and profound wisdom of vibration therapy. It works with various sets of programmed mountain crystals which are arranged in so-called healing fields to bring harmony, clarity and healing. You get to know the most important healing fields with their spectrums of use. Also, in the course of the two workshop weekends, the crystal energies will be programmed into your body system in order to enable you to use them independently from the crystals, which is particularly beneficial in the healing of landscapes. After the two weekends, you will be able to harmonize yourself, rooms, your environment or landscapes. Also, you can use this therapy in the exclusive or supportive therapy of clients.
The two workshops can be booked independently of each other. However, you will only have the full set of crystal energies programmed into your body system if you participate in both workshops.
Another topic in the workshop will be the manifestation techniques from vibration therapy which will empower you to create your life more and more actively.
Enter the form of healed communication! (Elyah)
General information about the two-part Workshop on Vibration Therapy
Vibration therapy is a new holistic healing method that works with healing fields from energized mountain crystals. These change vibrations through communicating light and healing. Thus, healing in body, soul and mind is enabled. This energy work can be used by therapists of all kinds as well as in daily family and professional life where you wish more healed communication and vitality.
Bernd Purschian, a medical doctor and specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy since 1989, runs a medical practice in Darmstadt and a private practice in Malchen near Darmstadt. From 2010 to 2012, he has done an intense training in vibration therapy. Since then, he has been using this therapy form very successfully and also made further enhancement since 2014.
In 2019, Dr. med. Bernd Purschian offers a two-part workshop on vibration therapy in English and a three-part workshop in German. In 2020, he will offer a broad-based, profound vibration therapeutic training in German which ranges over three full weekends (Friday through Sunday). If desired, he will also offer this broad vibration therapeutic training in English. All the seminars take place in the Dome House.
Vibration Therapy Workshop Dates:
Friday 2 p.m. to 8 p.m.,
Saturday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.,
Sunday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
on the following weekends:
Part I: 23 – 25 August 2019
Part II: 13 – 15 December 2019
Participation Fee:
Since this two-part workshop is being offered on private request and has been opened up to English speakers in general, the participation fee depends on the number of participants. Please let us know if you are interested and we’ll inform you what the price will actually be.
Participation Fee per weekend:
2 participants: 800 € per person and weekend
3 participants: 560 € per person and weekend
4 participants: 525 € per person and weekend
5 or more participants: 350 € per person and weekend
For preliminary registration, please send us an email to the below address. We’ll confirm it by mail and ask you to transfer a deposit of 100 € to our account. Six weeks to two months ahead of the workshop we’ll inform you how many preliminary participants have registered and ask you to transfer the corresponding amount left from the participation fee at latest six weeks ahead of the seminar. Should there be less than five participants at that time but more when the workshop takes place we’ll refund the excess fee you have paid. Please note that two to three members of our team will participate in the seminars without counting as participants.
The two weekends can be booked independently of each other. However, you will only have the full set of crystal energies programmed into your body system if you participate in both workshops.
For our seminar participants and for Airbnb guests, a three-room apartment is available in the Dome House. Feel free to ask us about the availability of a single or double room for the duration of your stay. Our guests share a fully-equipped small kitchen and a shower/WC.
Alternatively, you can stay at Hotel Malchen nearby, https://www.hotel-malchen.de/
Accommodation cost at the Dome House:
Single bedroom: 38 € per night for up to 3 nights, 35 € per night if more than 3 nights
Double bedroom: 56 € per night for up to 3 nights, 52 € per night if more than 3 nights
Local Information:
There is a Greek restaurant within walking distance. Supermarkets are accessible by tram.
On the workshop days, we usually have breakfast and lunch with the whole group, sometimes also supper.
More Information and Registration:
Please contact us through
email: domhaus-malchen@t-online.de or
phone: 0049 – 6151 – 9816 743