Holistic, Energizing, Healing: Vibration Therapy in the santara domhaus

Vibration therapy is a holistic healing system of the New Age. It involves working with energy fields of energized rock crystals that change the vibration through light and healing communication. In the beneficial energy field, disharmonious experiences can be neutralized down to the cellular level. Thus, physical ailments can subside and the path for spiritual and emotional development is cleared.

At the santara domhaus, vibration therapy is offered by the certified vibration therapist
Dr. med. Bernd Purschian, who has been continuously developing it since 2014.

The Vibration Therapeutic Treatment

A client comes to his vibration therapist with a problem. After discussing the problem, the therapist determines – for example through kinesiological testing or mediumship – which healing field could optimally support the client, as well as its duration of application. While the client lies relaxed on a therapy couch and possibly does a little meditation, the therapist builds up the determined healing field around him by arranging the corresponding crystals on the floor under the therapy couch. Now the client can enjoy the energetic healing bath.

The duration of application of the vibrational therapeutic healing field is usually between half an hour and one hour. During this time the client lies on the therapy couch, the therapist withdraws. Afterwards, the crystals are put away again, which dissolves the healing field. Often during the application of the healing field, the client enters a healing trance-like meditative state. Then it is good to rest for a while after the treatment.

Enter the Healing Sphere of energized Mountain Crystals!

Cost: 120 Euro per session with prior therapy talk
Duration: 60 minutes
Follow-up treatments: 50 Euro per session (if necessary with short preliminary talk)
Duration: 30 to approx. 50 minutes

Please make your appointment for a single session by phone or email:

Phone: 06151 – 9816 743

E-Mail: santara-domhaus@dr-purschian.de

Soul crystals for Everyday Problems

You are looking for energetic support with a problem, but do not want to take therapeutic help directly? Then we recommend our soul crystals as obelisks or energized jewelry, you will find a large selection in our Webshop. All energized crystals are also suitable as gifts, we are happy to advise you on the selection. Individual energizations for your specific problem are also possible for an additional charge.

Years of research work as well as intuitive insights let the complex form of vibration therapy in all its differentiation and fullness come into life through Michael Grauer-Brecht and Christine and Antan Minatti create .

From 2009 to 2012, 25 therapists were trained and certified for the first time, including Bernd Purschian, MD. As a certified vibration therapist, he has been constantly developing the form of therapy since 2014. Obelisks made of rock crystal are used as vibration carriers.

Vibration Therapy uses the knowledge of bioenergetics.
Here it is assumed that on the physical level, each cell, each organ, each organ group, etc. in a healthy state vibrates in a certain individual frequency, that is, is characterized by a certain vibration.

Strongly simplified one can imagine this like the steady rocking of a little girl, who is fully in her rhythm and seemingly effortlessly always rocks up to the same height. But what happens when the big brother comes and maliciously pushes the girl? She starts to stagger and gets out of her rhythm. If it’s just one little shove, the girl will quickly be able to get back into her swing. But if it’s a strong push or if the brother pushes again and again, the girl will have a hard time getting back into her rhythm, and the whole thing will cost her a lot of strength.

It is similar with the organic structures. Due to an accident or non-ergonomic movement sequences, as well as other “unhealthy” events, they can get “out of sync” and have difficulty getting back into their normal vibration – and they fall ill. It goes even further: the same applies to emotional and mental patterns as well as to a person’s spiritual being and extends to the soul level.

Let us return to the image of the rocking girl: If the disturbance by the big brother stops and the child still has enough strength, she can find her way back into her rhythm. If the strength is missing, it needs impulses from outside, for example a few strong pushes in the right rhythm by an adult, so that the child gets back into its swing and can continue to swing without effort.

A similar approach is taken in energy medicine: A system that is no longer vibrating at its frequency is helped by providing it with a vibration that enables it to return to its healthy state.

Vibration Therapy is a holistic healing method of the New Era, i.e. a healing method that acts on the whole human being and is attuned to the current needs of us humans and the Earth.

For several years the Earth has been in a process of strong energetic change – and not only the Earth, but also all beings living on it are facing great challenges. Problems are coming to the surface that could have been well denied, hidden or suppressed a few decades ago. And they also challenge the medical system to provide new answers. Vibration Therapy, like other healing methods of recent years, has been medially transmitted specifically to solve the problems of the New Era.

Another peculiarity of Vibration Therapy is its universality. It can be used not only to support the human body, mind and soul, but also to harmonize human communities – families, couples, teams, companies – in the spiritual sense. The same applies, of course, to the healing of animals or plants, but also to landscapes. Limits are set only by one’s own consciousness.

Vibration Therapy is about bringing the client into a healed form of communication with themselves, their fellow human beings and their environment.

Misdirected or blocked energies can be neutralized, dissolved or released again and are once more available as pure power. Cells, organs and organ systems can again communicate optimally with each other. Blockages, symptoms and diseases can be dissolved.

Also, misguided thought processes, encrusted thought patterns, negative emotions or undesirable behaviors can be balanced and healingly changed by the individually placed healing fields. In this way, ailments of body, mind and soul can be alleviated or healed. In a broader context, interpersonal relationships in everyday life or at work or even larger communities can be harmonized or healed.

Ein zentraler Begriff in der Schwingungstherapie ist die optimale Kommunikation, auch „geheilte Kommunikation“ genannt: Wenn alle Zellen im Körper, alle Organe und sonstigen Strukturen geheilt miteinander kommunizieren, ist der Mensch physisch gesund.

Since 2014, Vibration Therapy has been further developed by the certified Vibration Therapist Dr. Bernd Purschian, MD.
In the santara domhaus we work with obelisks made of rock crystal as vibration carriers. The energetically charged crystals are available in different designs.

Depending on the topic or complaint, suitable crystals are used, which are charged with healing energies for the body, emotions and thoughts, and which can bring body and soul back into balance.

The rock crystal obelisks are arranged in so-called healing fields, of which there are thousands. Tailored to the personal situation of the patient, such a healing field is built and creates a sphere of healing. This healing sphere works through the classical acupuncture points and chakras and gives impulses that can bring cells, organs and thought structures back into resonance and harmony.

While the client lies in the beneficial energy field, disharmonious experiences can be neutralized down to the cellular level. Disturbed and weak energy can be transformed and is available again as pure life energy. The path for spiritual and emotional development can be prepared, physical complaints can subside. Vitality and confidence can grow again, luminous thoughts can open the mind. Access to the soul can be strengthened.

Vibration Therapy uses vibration carriers to transmit healing energies to the client. In our practice we use rock crystal obelisks for this purpose, which are energized with the healing energies from Vibration Therapy using meditative techniques. Alternatively, the healing energies can be transmitted directly to the client through meditative techniques.

Each healing crystal contains a variety of healing frequencies
Usually several crystals are arranged to form a so-called healing field or healing circle. The energies from the crystals combine and build a healing sphere around the client. This healing sphere affects the client’s personal energy field through the classical acupuncture points and chakras, which uses the frequencies it needs and can implement at that moment.

The energetically positively charged (programmed) rock crystal obelisks are available in different sets and 52 color potencies. The individual obelisk sets differ qualitatively and quantitatively. In therapy with children we work with a special set of obelisks, which is adjusted to the specifics of the child’s energy system.

Through the healing fields, a positive energy flow can be created in the entire body. Misdirected or bound energies due to a disharmony between body, mind and soul can be neutralized, dissolved or released again in a targeted way, so that they are available to the client again as pure power. In this way, body cells, organs and organ systems can once again communicate optimally with each other and blockages, symptoms of illness and diseases can be dissolved. Disturbing thought processes, stuck thought patterns, unpleasant emotional states or undesirable behaviors can also be balanced and changed in a healing way with the help of the healing fields.

For repeated use by the client at home, we also offer healing and jewelry crystals that contain entire healing fields. These have proven to be very convenient to use, as they can be comfortably held in the hand or worn on the neck.

Introductory Lecture on Vibration Therapy (in German)

In the following, Bernd Purschian, MD, gives you a first introduction to Vibration Therapy in the recording of a lecture in German. The lecture took place on the occasion of the open day 2017 in the round heart room of the santara domhaus.


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“The green healing field has done a lot of positive things in my system. It gives me more strength and stability to go through my everyday life.”

Quote from Diana – Client