Lade Veranstaltungen

In this workshop you will get the basic knowledge and a basic understanding of the simple, efficient and profound possibilities of vibration therapy. In vibration therapy, we work with so-called healing fields to bring harmony, clarity and healing.

Deep meditations will contribute to your healing and will make some of the energies of vibration therapy available for you in everyday use. You will get to know some healing fields with their respective application spectrum. Thus, you can apply the acquired knowledge directly after the seminar to get healing for yourself or others.


General Information

In vibration therapy, we work with energy fields built up by energized mountain crystals, which change the vibration via light-filled and healed communication. Thus a healed being on the levels of body, soul and spirit becomes possible. This energy work can also be applied in daily family and professional life and in all areas where you wish more healed communication and vitality.

Some information on vibration therapy can be found on the santara domhaus website with the subpages, see also the information on further seminars on vibration therapy.


About the Teacher

Bernd Purschian, M.D., specialist for psychiatry and psychotherapy with a clinic in Darmstadt, Germany, completed an intensive Vibration Therapy training from 2010 to 2015. Since then, he has been using this form of therapy with great success and has been developing it further since 2014.


Seminar Time and Place

Sunday April 2, 2023, 10.00 am (GMT) to about 06.00 pm (GMT) at the seminar centre of Annie Penny, Old Orchard, The Piece, Kemble, Cirencester GL7 6AF. Alternatively, you can also participate through Zoom.

We’ll have some small breaks and a lunch break of about 90 minutes around 1.30 p.m.



The cost for the one-day seminar including  tea and coffee is 85 € (in December 2022: roughly £73).

A vegan meal will be offered for £13 per person, to be paid at the seminar place.


Registration and Payment

Registration is done through paypalme/santaradomhaus/85 . Please include your complete name and postal and email addresses with the PayPal payment in order to get an invoice.

If you prefer to do bank transfer, please send us a registration e-mail to the below address. We will then send you the data of our British bank account.


Further information:

If you wish to get a deeper insight into vibration therapy, you are welcome to participate in our weekend workshops on vibration therapy.